Servy® Self-Service Kiosk

UI Design / 2017–2022

The Self-Service Kiosk is a flagship product from Servy. It is deployed globally in food courts, airports, and restaurants. It provides a touchpoint to draw in guests and increase operator efficiency. Each kiosk is customizable for multi-brands and available in different form-factors.

My role with this project was to design the customer experience UI from start to finish. A major factor in the design was to ensure a consistent experience regardless of the partner’s branding and kiosk form-factor.

In June 2022, the kiosk implementation for Red Rooster won the Best Kiosk ICX in the annual Interactive Customer Experience Association Elevate Awards. This UI design helped Red Rooster shift 35% of retail sales to the kiosk.

The basic user experience flow for the award-winning Red Rooster kiosk

In addition to UI design, I created the branded experiences for each of Servy’s partners ranging from regional restaurants to global brands.

A small collection of brands using this UI kiosk design

Real-world kiosk use. Images courtesy of